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Last updated in Oct 22, 2010 2:24 PM Number of Items: 84 Viewed: 7702 times
This is a collection of nonunion related to fractures
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The glabrous epidermis of cavies contains a powerful battery.

The American journal of physiology , Volume 242 , Issue 3 (1982)
A T Barker , L F Jaffe , J W Vanable

Common fluid and electrolyte problems in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Pediatric clinics of North America , Volume 27 , Issue 3 (1980)
R M Perkin , D L Levin

Electron probe analysis of human skin: element concentration profiles.

The Journal of investigative dermatology , Volume 90 , Issue 1 (1988)
R R Warner , M C Myers , D A Taylor

Aspects on the physiology of human skin: studies using particle probe analysis.

Microscopy research and technique , Volume 38 , Issue 4 (1997)
B Forslind , M Lindberg , G M Roomans , J Pallon , Y Werner-Linde

Water-free sodium accumulation.

Seminars in dialysis , Volume 22 , Issue 3 (2009)
Jens Titze

Über die Bedeutung der Gewebe als Chlordepots

Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie , Volume 61 , Issue 2 (1909)
V. Wahlgren

Über die Bedeutung der Haut als Chlordepot

Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie , Volume 63 , Issue 1 (1910)
J.H. Padtberg

Sodium chloride, SGK1, and Th17 activation.

Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology , Volume 467 , Issue 3 (2015)
Katrina J. Binger , Ralf A. Linker , Dominik N. Muller , Markus Kleinewietfeld

Three independent biological mechanisms cause exercise-associated hyponatremia: Evidence from 2,135 weighed competitive athletic performances

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Volume 102 , Issue 51 (2005)
T. D. Noakes , K. Sharwood , D. Speedy , T. Hew , S. Reid , J. Dugas , C. Almond , P. Wharam , L. Weschler

Mononuclear phagocyte system depletion blocks interstitial tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein/vascular endothelial growth factor C expression and induces salt-sensitive hypertension in rats.

Hypertension , Volume 55 , Issue 3 (2010)
A. Machnik , A. Dahlmann , C. Kopp , J. Goss , H. Wagner , N. van Rooijen , K.-U. Eckardt , D. N. Muller , J.-K. Park , F. C. Luft , D. Kerjaschki , J. Titze