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Victor Files 1
Last updated in Nov 11, 2010 4:23 PM Number of Items: 30 Viewed: 2750 times
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Glaube als Teilhabe: historische und semantische Grundlagen der paulinischen Theologie und Ekklesiologie des Glaubens.

Tbingen Mohr Siebeck (1987)
A von Dobbeler

The lost Delphic inscription with some commandments of the Seven Sages and P.

Univ Athen 2782 Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 37 (1980)
A Oikonomides

Righteousness’ in the Septuagint of Isaiah: Study. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press for the SBL.

J Olley , A

God is My Rock: of Translation Technique and Theological Exegesis in the Septuagint.

Coniectanea Biblica Old Testament Series 31 Stockholm Almquist and Wiksell (1990)
S Olofsson , A

The receding university sub-culture’, in L.

Olurode and S Akinboye eds Ethical Issues in University Governance Lagos University of Lagos Press (2008)
L Olurode

eds. , Ethical Issues in University Governance.

Lagos University of Lagos Press (2008)
L Olurode , S Akinboye

O’ ‘Did Jesus teach that his death would be vicarious as well as typical?’ in W.

J Neill

O’ of Trust.

O Neill , A

Paul and theodicy: intertextual thoughts on God’s justice and faithfulness to Israel in Romans ’, New Testament Studies, 57-80.

Volume 53 (2007)
B Oropeza

O’ ‘Pistis in Romans’, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, .

Volume 35 (1973)
J Rourke