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Last updated in Jan 11, 2011 4:16 PM Number of Items: 5 Viewed: 948 times
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Paränese und Ethik in den kleinasiatischen Beichtinschriften: Zu den Voraussetzungen christlicher Mission in Kleinasien’, in R.

Herzer and KW Niebuhr eds Neues Testament und hellenistischjdische Alltagskultur Tbingen Mohr Siebeck (2011)
W Ameling , J Deines

A response calculus for immobilized T cell receptor ligands.

The Journal of biological chemistry , Volume 276 , Issue 52 (2001)
P S Andersen , C Menné , R A Mariuzza , C Geisler , K Karjalainen

Revaccination with pneumococcal and hepatitis B vaccines.

JAMA , Volume 270 , Issue 22 (1993)
E L Anderson , P R Becherer , R B Belshe

eds. , New Approaches to the Study of Biblical Interpretation in Judaism of the Second Temple Period and in Early Christianity.

Leiden Brill (2013)
G Anderson , R Clements , D Satran

ed. , Roman Religion.

C Ando