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Last updated in Nov 11, 2010 4:22 PM Number of Items: 4 Viewed: 920 times
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Thunder, lightning and earthquake in the Bacchae and the Acts of the Apostles’, in A.

R Seaford

Mystic light and near-death experience’, in M.

Karakantza and O Levaniouk eds Light and Darkness in Ancient Greek Myth and Religion Lanham Md Lexington Books (2010)
R Seaford , E Christopoulos

Moral teaching: the existence and contents of “the Ways”’, in B.

A Seeberg

Serum anti-candida albicans antibodies in candidal and non-candidal vaginitis.

Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Erste Abteilung Originale. Reihe A: Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Parasitologie , Volume 239 , Issue 4 (1977)
E Segal , N Vardinon , J Foldes , J Schwartz , E Eylan