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  1. Fuzzy set theory - and its applications. 2nd, revised ed

    Zimmermann H
  2. [Effects of manure application on organic carbon in aggregates of black soil].

    Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology , Volume 19 , Issue 2 (2008)
    An T , Wang J , Li S , Yu S , Zhu P
  3. Fuzzy Sets.

    Information and Control (1965)
    Zadeh L
  4. Weighting Methods and their Effects on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model Outcomes in Water Resources Management.

    New York Springer (2015)
    Zadari N , Ahmed K , Shirazi S , Yusop Z
  5. Decision Model for Product Design Based on Fuzzy International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, .

    Yang C , Wu Q , T
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