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Species composition and plant performance of mixed seagrass beds along a siltation gradient at Cape Bolinao

Marine Ecology Progress Series , Volume 174 (1998)
SS Bach , J Borum , MD Fortes , CM Duarte

Biometry and leaf lepidochronology of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the Croatian Adriatic.

ON MARINE VEGETATION p 28 Primary production and growth dynamics in Posidonia oceanica Marine Ecology , Volume 13 , Issue 1 (1992)
T Bakran-Petricioli , S Schultz , SYMPOSIUM In , MC Buia , V Zupo , L Mazzella

Patterns of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile beds around the Island of Ischia (Gulf of Naples) and in adjacent waters.

Marine Ecology , Volume 3 , Issue 1 (1982)
P Colantoni , P Gallignani , E Fresi , F Cinelli

d' De ... & The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital.

nature 253 , Volume 387 , Issue 6630 (1997)
R Costanza , R Arge , R Groot , S Farber , M Grasso , B Hannon , RG Raskin

Eds.). . Physical oceanography of the Adriatic Sea: past, present and future.

Springer Science Business Media (2013)
B Cushman-Roisin , M Gacic , PM Poulain , A Artegiani

Den Structure, function and classification in seagrass communities.

C Hartog , A , Dekker New

Den Wasting disease” and other dynamic phenomena in Zostera beds.

Aquatic Botany , Volume 27 , Issue 1 (1987)
C Hartog

Effects of light on seagrass photosynthesis, growth and depth distribution.

Aquatic Botany , Volume 27 , Issue 1 (1987)
WC Dennison

Seagrass depth limits.

Aquatic botany , Volume 40 , Issue 4 (1991)
CM Duarte

Submerged aquatic vegetation in relation to different nutrient regimes.

Ophelia , Volume 41 , Issue 1 (1995)
CM Duarte