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  1. Accuracy of direct digital radiography in the study of the root canal type.

    Dento maxillo facial radiology , Volume 35 , Issue 4 (2006)
    Wu D M , Wu Y N , Guo W , Sameer S
  2. Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association.

    Communication Yearbook , Volume 36 (2012)
    Treem J , Leonardi P
  3. Friends only:examining a privacy-enhancing behavior in facebook

    International Conference on Human Factors in Co... , Volume 3 (2010)
    Stutzman F , Kramer-Duffield J
  4. When social networks cross boundaries: a case study of workplace use of facebook and linkedin

    Skeels M , Grudin J
  5. Social media data analytics to improve supply chain management in food industries.

    Transportation Research Logistics and Transportation Review (2017)
    Singh A , Shukla N , Mishra N , Part E
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