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Risk management for vibrant economic growth and sustained development.

Disaster Prevention and Management An International Journal , Volume 15 , Issue 4 (2006)
P Rautela

[Epidemiological description of the medical care of adults in an emergency service].

Revista medica de Chile , Volume 111 , Issue 11 (1983)
A Repetto , K Rossel , E Rivera , L Parada , R Norambuena , M Nuñez , R Parada , J Muñoz , L Podesta , R Peirano

Red cell genetic abnormalities in the tribes of five districts of Madhya Pradesh.

The Indian journal of medical research , Volume 86 (1987)
M Sathe , A C Gorakshakar , V R Rao , M Mukherjee , K Vasantha , H M Bhatia

Coming tragedy of the commons.

Economic and Political Weekly (1986)
V Shiva

Ecology and the politics of survival: conflicts over natural resources in India.

V Shiva

Rejuvenating irrigation tanks through local institutions.

Economic and Political Weekly (2004)
R Sakthivadivel , P Gomathinayagam , T Shah

Esophageal foreign body causing recurrent respiratory symptoms.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy , Volume 48 , Issue 2 (1998)
A Sapru , M bin Seif Ali Elbualy , P M Nayyar

Taylor, and Buttel How Do We Know We Have Global Environmental Problems? Science and the Globalization of Environmental Discourse, in Haenn and Wilk (ed.) The Environment in Anthropology: in Ecology, Culture, and Sustainable University Press.

J Peter , H Frederick , A , Living New