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Stéphanie Leruez , Christophe Verny , Dominique Bonneau , Vincent Procaccio , Guy Lenaers , Patrizia Amati-Bonneau , Pascal Reynier , Clarisse Scherer , Adriana Prundean , Christophe Orssaud , Xavier Zanlonghi , Marie-Bénédicte Rougier , Caroline Tilikete , Dan Miléa

A.Cobo-Calvo, , Clinical spectrum and prognostic value of CNS MOG autoimmunity in adults: study. Neurology. May 22;:.

Volume 90 , Issue 21 (2018)
A , E , C Tilikete , MOGADOR The

Main inherited neurodegenerative cerebellar ataxias, how to recognize them using magnetic resonance imaging?

D Heidelberg , S Ronsin , F Bonneville , S Hannoun , C Tilikete

Rossetti, adaptation of successful movements: The crucial role of internal error signals Consciousness and Cognition


Can you guess the colour of this moving object? A dissociation between colour and motion in blindsight ;E.Chabanat ;S.JacquinCourtois ;Havé.L.Kihouloua ;C.Tilikete ;.Mauguière .F ;Rheim.S ;Y.Rossetti ; 10.1016 (NSY6879)
