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My Publications
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J. McIntosh, and G.

M Yuan , J Bodenhamer

for Historical Research.

M Yuan , GIS Temporal , GIS Historical

A. Nara, and J.

Bothwell SpaceTime Representation and Analytics Annals of GIS , Volume 20 , Issue 1 (2014)
M Yuan

C. H. Yuan. . An Ontology-enabled Framework for a geospatial problem-solving environment.

Computer Environment and Urban Systems , Volume 38 (2013)
C Jung , M Sun

Maru Maria Peter Abarca Jeff Rachel and Jorrit Poelen.

Volume 89 , No of Volumes: 1 (2011)
Simons Cristina , Vega-Cendejas Thomas , James May , Roopnarine Luis , Arenas Ana , Holmes Cristina , Hertog Dave , L D

M. Yuan. . Applied to the Analysis of Changes in Temperature Patterns.

Transactions in GIS , Volume 16 , Issue 6 (2012)
J Bothwell , A , GIS

J. Bothwell. . Space-Time Analytics for Spatial Dynamics.

M Yuan , C In , IGI

H. Yuan. . The Long-Run Impact of Nuclear Waste Shipments on the Property Market: Evidence from Quasi Experiment.

Journal of Environmental Economics , Volume 65 , Issue 1 (2013)
K Gawande , M Jenkins-Smith

M. Yuan. . to Represent and Analyze Spatiotemporal Patterns of Precipitation Change.

The Proceedings of the 19PthP on Advances in Geographic Information Systems pp (2011)
J Bothwell , A , GIS , ACM , SIGSPATIAL

M. Yuan.11T . Apply Concepts of Fluid Kinematics to Represent Continuous Space-Time Fields in Annals of Geographic Information Science, : .

Volume 16 , Issue 1 (2010)
J Bothwell , GIS Temporal