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A Perspective of Bone Health Study: Impact of Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medical Sciences , Volume 4 , Issue 1 (2018)
Cathryn Dawn Nykvist , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Sambhu Charan Mondal , Snehasis Jana

Evaluation of Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 on Bone Health Parameters in Human Bone Osteosarcoma Cells (MG-63)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2018)
Dezi Ann Koster , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Sambhu Charan Mondal , Snehasis Jana

Improved Metabolism of Vitamin D3 in Human Osteoblasts Cells After Biofield Energy Healing Treatment

American Journal of Laboratory Medicine , Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2018)
Vaibhav Rajan Parulkar , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Mayank Gangwar , Snehasis Jana

Influence of Biofield Treated Vitamin D3 on Proliferation, Differentiation, and Maturation of Bone-Related Parameters in MG-63 Cell-Line

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science , Volume 4 , Issue 1 (2018)
Dimitrius Anagnos , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Sambhu Charan Mondal , Snehasis Jana

Exploring the Effects of Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 on Bone Health Parameters in MG-63 Cell Line

International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology , Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2018)
Rolando Baptista Piedad , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Mayank Gangwar , Snehasis Jana

Evaluation of Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 in Human Osteoblasts Cells

Biomedical Sciences , Volume 4 , Issue 1 (2018)
Vicki Lynn Kindy , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Mayank Gangwar , Snehasis Jana

Influence of the Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 on Human Osteoblast-Like Cells

Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences , Volume 6 , Issue 1 (2018)
Shirley Theresa Holmlund , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Mayank Gangwar , Snehasis Jana

The Potential Benefits of Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 on Bone Mineralization in Human Bone Osteosarcoma Cells (MG-63)

International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences , Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2018)
Aileen Carol Lee , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Sambhu Charan Mondal , Snehasis Jana

Implication of Biofield Energy Healing Based Vitamin D3 on Osteoblastic Differentiation

International Journal of Immunology , Volume 5 , Issue 6 (2018)
Su-Mei Chen Liu , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Mayank Gangwar , Snehasis Jana

Effects of Vitamin D3 on the Proliferation and Mineralization of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells: Implications of Biofield Energy Healing Treatment

European Journal of Preventive Medicine , Volume 6 , Issue 1 (2018)
Thomas Charles Slade , Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Mayank Gangwar , Snehasis Jana