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Measuring performance for treating heart attacks and heart failure: the case for outcomes measurement.

Health affairs , Volume 26 (2007)
HM Krumholz , SL Normand , JA Spertus , DM Shahian , EH Bradley

Relationship between process and outcome in stroke care.

Stroke a journal of cerebral circulation , Volume 34 (2003)
H McNaughton , K McPherson , W Taylor , M Weatherall

Hospital quality for acute myocardial infarction: correlation among process measures and relationship with short-term mortality.

JAMA the journal of the American Medical Association , Volume 296 (2006)
EH Bradley , J Herrin , B Elbel

Relationship between Medicare's hospital compare performance measures and mortality rates.

JAMA the journal of the American Medical Association , Volume 296 (2006)
RM Werner , ET Bradlow

Nighttime intensivist staffing and the timing of death among ICU decedents: a retrospective cohort study.

Critical care R216 , Volume 17 (2013)
LA Reineck , DJ Wallace , AE Barnato , JM Kahn

Is survival better at hospitals with higher "end-of-life" treatment intensity? Medical care ;.

Volume 48 (2010)
AE Barnato , CC Chang , MH Farrell , JR Lave , MS Roberts , DC Angus

Measuring preferences for health states worse than death.

Medical decision making an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making , Volume 14 (1994)
DL Patrick , HE Starks , KC Cain , RF Uhlmann , RA Pearlman

Health values of the seriously ill.

SUPPORT investigators Annals of internal medicine , Volume 122 (1995)
J Tsevat , EF Cook , ML Green

van Choices in oncology: factors that influence patients' treatment preference.

Quality of life research an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment care and rehabilitation , Volume 3 (1994)
GM Kiebert , AM Stiggelbout , J Kievit , JW Leer , CJ de Velde , HJ de Haes

The morality of using mortality as a financial incentive: unintended consequences and implications for acute hospital care.

JAMA the journal of the American Medical Association , Volume 309 (2013)
JM Kupfer