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  1. Cannabinoids for Medical Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

    JAMA , Volume 313 , Issue 24 (2015)
    Whiting P F , Wolff R F , Deshpande S , Di Nisio M , Duffy S , Hernandez A V , Keurentjes J C , Lang S , Misso K , Ryder S , Schmidlkofer S , Westwood M , Kleijnen J
  2. Cannabinoid Dose and Label Accuracy in Edible Medical Cannabis Products.

    JAMA , Volume 313 , Issue 24 (2015)
    Vandry R
  3. Marijuana use, diet, body mass index, and cardiovascular risk factors (from the CARDIA study).

    The American journal of cardiology , Volume 98 , Issue 4 (2006)
    Rodondi N , Pletcher M J , Liu K , Hulley S B , Sidney S , Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study
  4. Progressive arteritis associated with cannabis use.

    European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery , Volume 18 , Issue 4 (1999)
    Schneider H J , Jha S , Burnand K G
  5. Marijuana Use and Mortality.

    American Journal of Public Health Vol 87 No 4 , Volume 1997
    Sidney S , Beck J , Tekawa I , Queseberry C , Friedman G
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