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Visual working memory depends on attentional filtering.

Trends in cognitive sciences , Volume 10 , Issue 4 (2006)
Nelson Cowan , Candice C Morey

Infants' attention to patterned stimuli: developmental change from 3 to 12 months of age.

Child development , Volume 77 , Issue 3 (2006)
Mary L Courage , Greg D Reynolds , John E Richards

Serotoninergic regulation of emotional and behavioural control processes.

Trends in cognitive sciences , Volume 12 , Issue 1 (2008)
Roshan Cools , Angela C Roberts , Trevor W Robbins

The emergence and basis of endogenous attention in infancy and early childhood.

Advances in child development and behavior , Volume 34 (2006)
John Colombo , Carol L Cheatham

Anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex: who's in control?

Nature neuroscience , Volume 3 , Issue 5 (2000)
J D Cohen , M Botvinick , C S Carter

Positron emission tomography study of human brain functional development.

Annals of neurology , Volume 22 , Issue 4 (1987)
H T Chugani , M E Phelps , J C Mazziotta

Maturational changes in cerebral function in infants determined by 18FDG positron emission tomography.

Science (New York, N.Y.) , Volume 231 , Issue 4740 (1986)
H T Chugani , M E Phelps

Potentiation of NMDA receptor currents by dopamine D1 receptors in prefrontal cortex.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , Volume 101 , Issue 8 (2004)
Guojun Chen , Paul Greengard , Zhen Yan

Atomoxetine modulates right inferior frontal activation during inhibitory control: a pharmacological functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

Biological psychiatry , Volume 65 , Issue 7 (2009)
Samuel R Chamberlain , Adam Hampshire , Ulrich Müller , Katya Rubia , Natalia Del Campo , Kevin Craig , Ralf Regenthal , John Suckling , Jonathan P Roiser , Jon E Grant , Edward T Bullmore , Trevor W Robbins , Barbara J Sahakian

Developmental trajectories of brain volume abnormalities in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

JAMA , Volume 288 , Issue 14 (2002)
F Xavier Castellanos , Patti P Lee , Wendy Sharp , Neal O Jeffries , Deanna K Greenstein , Liv S Clasen , Jonathan D Blumenthal , Regina S James , Christen L Ebens , James M Walter , Alex Zijdenbos , Alan C Evans , Jay N Giedd , Judith L Rapoport