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Characterization of a family of Arabidopsis receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases (RLCK class VI).

Plant cell reports , Volume 27 , Issue 4 (2008)
Manuela E Jurca , Sándor Bottka , Attila Fehér

The effect of drought and heat stress on reproductive processes in cereals.

Plant, cell & environment , Volume 31 , Issue 1 (2008)
Beáta Barnabás , Katalin Jäger , Attila Fehér

Mitosis-specific promoter of the alfalfa cyclin-dependent kinase gene (Medsa;CDKB2;1) is activated by wounding and ethylene in a non-cell division-dependent manner.

Plant physiology , Volume 140 , Issue 2 (2006)
Miroslava K Zhiponova , Aladár Pettkó-Szandtner , Eva Stelkovics , Zsuzsanna Neer , Sándor Bottka , Tibor Krenács , Dénes Dudits , Attila Fehér , László Szilák

Characterization of three Rop GTPase genes of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).

Biochimica et biophysica acta , Volume 1759 , Issue 1-2 (2006)
Attila Szucs , Dulguun Dorjgotov , Krisztina Otvös , Csilla Fodor , Mónika Domoki , János Györgyey , Péter Kaló , György B Kiss , Dénes Dudits , Attila Fehér

Nitric oxide is required for, and promotes auxin-mediated activation of, cell division and embryogenic cell formation but does not influence cell cycle progression in alfalfa cell cultures.

The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology , Volume 43 , Issue 6 (2005)
Krisztina Otvös , Taras P Pasternak , Pál Miskolczi , Mónika Domoki , Dulguun Dorjgotov , Attila Szucs , Sándor Bottka , Dénes Dudits , Attila Fehér

The Role of auxin, pH, and stress in the activation of embryogenic cell division in leaf protoplast-derived cells of alfalfa.

Plant physiology , Volume 129 , Issue 4 (2002)
Taras P Pasternak , Els Prinsen , Ferhan Ayaydin , Pál Miskolczi , Geert Potters , Han Asard , Harry A Van Onckelen , Dénes Dudits , Attila Fehér

Transformation vector based on promoter and intron sequences of a replacement histone H3 gene. A tool for high, constitutive gene expression in plants.

Transgenic research , Volume 11 , Issue 1 (2002)
Zsolt Kelemen , Antal Mai , Tamás Kapros , Attila Fehér , János Györgyey , Jakob H Waterborg , Dénes Dudits

A Novel Signaling Pathway Required for Arabidopsis Endodermal Root Organization Shapes the Rhizosphere Microbiome.

Plant & cell physiology , Volume 62 , Issue 2 (2021)
Julius Durr , Guilhem Reyt , Stijn Spaepen , Sally Hilton , Cathal Meehan , Wu Qi , Takehiro Kamiya , Paulina Flis , Hugh G Dickinson , Attila Feher , Umashankar Shivshankar , Shruti Pavagadhi , Sanjay Swarup , David Salt , Gary D Bending , Jose Gutierrez-Marcos

The AtCRK5 Protein Kinase Is Required to Maintain the ROS NO Balance Affecting the PIN2-Mediated Root Gravitropic Response in Arabidopsis.

International journal of molecular sciences , Volume 22 , Issue 11 (2021)
Ágnes Cséplo , Laura Zsigmond , Norbert Andrási , Abu Imran Baba , Nitin M Labhane , Andrea Peto , Zsuzsanna Kolbert , Hajnalka E Kovács , Gábor Steinbach , László Szabados , Attila Fehér , Gábor Rigó