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Polyamine Metabolism Is Involved in the Direct Regeneration of Shoots from Arabidopsis Lateral Root Primordia.

Plants (Basel, Switzerland) , Volume 10 , Issue 2 (2021)
Nikolett Kaszler , Péter Benko , Dóra Bernula , Ágnes Szepesi , Attila Fehér , Katalin Gémes

The Effect of Foliar Selenium (Se) Treatment on Growth, Photosynthesis, and Oxidative-Nitrosative Signalling of Stevia rebaudiana Leaves.

Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) , Volume 10 , Issue 1 (2021)
Péter Borbély , Árpád Molnár , Emil Valyon , Attila Ördög , Klára Horváth-Boros , Dezso Csupor , Attila Fehér , Zsuzsanna Kolbert

The Arabidopsis RLCK VI_A2 Kinase Controls Seedling and Plant Growth in Parallel with Gibberellin.

International journal of molecular sciences , Volume 21 , Issue 19 (2020)
Ildikó Valkai , Erzsébet Kénesi , Ildikó Domonkos , Ferhan Ayaydin , Danuse Tarkowská , Miroslav Strnad , Anikó Faragó , László Bodai , Attila Fehér

Polyamines treatment during pollen germination and pollen tube elongation in tobacco modulate reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide homeostasis.

Journal of plant physiology , Volume 244 (2020)
Péter Benko , Shyam Jee , Nikolett Kaszler , Attila Fehér , Katalin Gémes

CRK5 Protein Kinase Contributes to the Progression of Embryogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana.

International journal of molecular sciences , Volume 20 , Issue 24 (2019)
Abu Imran Baba , Ildikó Valkai , Nitin M Labhane , Lilla Koczka , Norbert Andrási , Éva Klement , Zsuzsanna Darula , Katalin F Medzihradszky , László Szabados , Attila Fehér , Gábor Rigó , Ágnes Cséplo

AtCRK5 Protein Kinase Exhibits a Regulatory Role in Hypocotyl Hook Development during Skotomorphogenesis.

International journal of molecular sciences , Volume 20 , Issue 14 (2019)
Abu Imran Baba , Norbert Andrási , Ildikó Valkai , Teréz Gorcsa , Lilla Koczka , Zsuzsanna Darula , Katalin F Medzihradszky , László Szabados , Attila Fehér , Gábor Rigó , Ágnes Cséplo

The Arabidopsis glutathione transferases, AtGSTF8 and AtGSTU19 are involved in the maintenance of root redox homeostasis affecting meristem size and salt stress sensitivity.

Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology , Volume 283 (2019)
Edit Horváth , Krisztina Bela , Botond Holinka , Riyazuddin Riyazuddin , Ágnes Gallé , Ádám Hajnal , Ágnes Hurton , Attila Fehér , Jolán Csiszár

Callus, Dedifferentiation, Totipotency, Somatic Embryogenesis: What These Terms Mean in the Era of Molecular Plant Biology?

Frontiers in plant science , Volume 10 (2019)
Attila Fehér

In silico identification and experimental validation of amino acid motifs required for the Rho-of-plants GTPase-mediated activation of receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases.

Plant cell reports , Volume 37 , Issue 4 (2018)
Dézi Bianka Lajkó , Ildikó Valkai , Mónika Domoki , Dalma Ménesi , Györgyi Ferenc , Ferhan Ayaydin , Attila Fehér

Arabidopsis NAP-related proteins (NRPs) contribute to the coordination of plant growth, developmental rate, and age-related pathogen resistance under short days.

Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology , Volume 267 (2018)
Balázs Barna , Katalin Gémes , Mónika Domoki , Dóra Bernula , Györgyi Ferenc , Balázs Bálint , István Nagy , Attila Fehér