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Updated in 6/5/2019 3:45:06 PM      Viewed: 144 times      (Journal Article)
1 and 22 currents in hypothalamic neurons J Gen Physiol (2015)

López Rodríguez, S., Perelló, M., and Constitutive and ghrelin-dependent GHSR1a activation impairs 2.

EJ Soto , F Agosti , A Cabral , ER Mustafa , VM Damonte , MA Gandini , D Castrogiovanni , R Felix , J Raingo , V Ca , V Ca
[Original String]: 60. López Soto, E. J., Agosti, F., Cabral, A., Mustafa, E. R., Damonte, V. M., Gandini, M. A., Rodríguez, S., Castrogiovanni, D., Felix, R., Perelló, M., and Raingo, J. (2015) Constitutive and ghrelin-dependent GHSR1a activation impairs Ca V 2.1 and Ca V 2.2 currents in hypothalamic neurons . J. Gen. Physiol.