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Updated in 6/5/2019 3:42:24 PM      Viewed: 213 times      (Journal Article)
PLoS One (2016)

Promotion of intestinal epithelial cell turnover by commensal bacteria: Role of short-chain fatty acids.

JH Park , T Kotani , T Konno , J Setiawan , Y Kitamura , S Imada , Y Usui , N Hatano , M Shinohara , Y Saito , Y Murata , T Matozaki
[Original String]: 65. Park, J. H., Kotani, T., Konno, T., Setiawan, J., Kitamura, Y., Imada, S., Usui, Y., Hatano, N., Shinohara, M., Saito, Y., Murata, Y., and Matozaki, T. (2016) Promotion of intestinal epithelial cell turnover by commensal bacteria: Role of short-chain fatty acids. PLoS One