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  1. Massive liver growth in mice induced by systemic interleukin 6 administration.

    Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) , Volume 38 , Issue 2 (2003)
    Zimmers T A , McKillop I H , Pierce R H , Yoo J , Koniaris L G
  2. Regulation of liver regeneration.

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    Zimmermann A
  3. HMGB1 cytoplasmic translocation in patients with acute liver failure.

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    Zhou R , Zhao S , Zou M , Zhang P , Zhang B , Dai X , Li N , Liu H , Wang H , Fan X , B
  4. Mst1 and Mst2 maintain hepatocyte quiescence and suppress hepatocellular carcinoma development through inactivation of the Yap1 oncogene.

    Cancer Cell , Volume 16 , Issue 5 (2009)
    Zhou D , Conrad C , Xia F , Park J , Payer B , Yin Y , Lauwers G , Thasler W , Lee J , Avruch J , Bardeesy N
  5. Inactivation of YAP oncoprotein by the Hippo pathway is involved in cell contact inhibition and tissue growth control.

    Genes Dev , Volume 21 , Issue 21 (2007)
    Zhao B , Wei X , Li W , Udan R , Yang Q , Kim J , Xie J , Ikenoue T , Yu J , Li L , Zheng P , Ye K , Chinnaiyan A , Halder G , Lai Z , Guan K
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