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Assessment in health profession education, 3rd edition


The assessment of cognitive abilities in clinical medicine.

Medical education , Volume 17 , Issue 1 (1983)
H J Wright , I M Stanley , J Webster

Acute respiratory infections in children: future directions and priorities in research.

Bulletin of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease , Volume 65 , Issue 4 (1990)
D L Miller

Paul Hager & Andrew Gonczi What is competence?, Medical Teacher, 1, , DOI: 10.3109/01421599609040255.

Volume 18 (1996)

Different written assessment methods: what can be said about their strengths and weaknesses?

Medical education , Volume 38 , Issue 9 (2004)
Lambert W T Schuwirth , Cees P M van der Vleuten

Contextual factors in the activation of first diagnostic hypotheses: expert-novice differences.

Medical education , Volume 21 , Issue 6 (1987)
P P Hobus , H G Schmidt , H P Boshuizen , V L Patel

Cognitive metaphors of expertise and knowledge: prospects and limitations for medical education.

Medical education , Volume 41 , Issue 12 (2007)
Maria Mylopoulos , Glenn Regehr

Oral examinations in medical education.

Medical education , Volume 19 , Issue 4 (1985)
P T Jayawickramarajah

MRCGP: approaching the new modular examination approach to the oral examination component.

Pastest (1998)
J Sandars , UK Knutsford

Achieving acceptable reliability in oral examinations: an analysis of the Royal College of General Practitioners membership examination's oral component.

Medical education , Volume 37 , Issue 2 (2003)
Val Wass , Richard Wakeford , Roger Neighbour , Cees Van der Vleuten , Royal College of General Practitioners