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Updated in 1/30/2020 11:33:09 AM      Viewed: 527 times      (Journal Article)
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 15 (11): 1695-1699 (2018)

IORN: An Effective Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Framework

J Wang , W Liu , L Ma , H Chen , L Chen
In recent times, many efforts have been made to improve remote sensing image scene classification, especially using popular deep convolutional neural networks. However, most of these methods do not consider the specific scene orientation of the remote sensing images. In this letter, we propose the improved oriented response network (IORN), which is based on the ORN, to handle the orientation problem in remote sensing image scene classification. We propose average active rotating filters (A-ARFs) in the IORN. While IORNs are being trained, A-ARFs are updated by a method that is different from the ARFs of the ORN, without additional computations. This change helps IORN improve its ability to encode orientation information and speeds up optimization during training. We also propose Squeeze-ORAlign (S-ORAlign) by adding a squeeze layer to ORAlign of ORN. With the squeeze layer, S-ORAlign can address large-scale images, unlike ORAlign. An ablation study and comparison experiments are designed on a public remote sensing image scene classification data set. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and better performance of the proposed model over that of other state-of-the-art models.
DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2018.2859024      ISSN: 1558-0571