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Updated in 6/21/2018 8:53:07 AM      Viewed: 495 times      (Document)

Looking ahead

M Montebello
The book draws to an end by looking ahead at potential future avenues in light of the proposed intelligent personal learning environment. Web technologies and AI techniques continue to evolve as e-learning systems continue to take full advantage of both to improve the delivery and the overall holistic experience. The employment of AI techniques in combination with other technologies moved away from the conventional trend of adopting the latest web technologies to embellish the e-learning environment and move to the next generation. The proposed intelligent learning environment had set objectives with specific issues to resolve and employed the different methodologies and practices within an original architectural setup that fulfils the pre-set e-learning needs. Will it be possible to pursue this trend whereby the e-learning needs dictate and prescribe what the technology should be like and impose what it should provide? On the other hand the same architectural setup introduced a novel concept of bringing together numerous technologies to achieve a common goal, personalised e-learning. Will future e-learning generations persist on this line of thought and take full advantage of multiple developments in numerous and diverse domains to collectively achieve a superior added-value outcome that could potentially shape the future of e-learning? This final chapter looks ahead at these possibilities and the potential of influencing future e-learning generations by reversing the way e-learning advocates reason and devise such futuristic environments. Which technological novelties will leave their impact on future e-learning setups? What exactly is the ideal e-learning scenario and which technologies or combination of technologies can pave the way forward? © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG.
Export Date: 11 December 2017