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and eds.

Hommages Robert Schilling Paris Socit ddition Les Belles Lettres (1983)
H Zehnacker , G Hentz

‘Ethos und Identität in Paulinischen Gemeinden’, New Testament Studies, .

Volume 43 (1997)
M Wolter

Glaube als Teilhabe: historische und semantische Grundlagen der paulinischen Theologie und Ekklesiologie des Glaubens.

Tbingen Mohr Siebeck (1987)
A von Dobbeler

‘Trust—the importance of trustfulness versus trustworthiness’, Journal of Socio-Economics, .

Volume 37 (2008)
J Tulberg

‘Slavery in the Hellenistic world’, in K.

Volume 1 (2011)
D Thompson

ed. , The Search for the Ancient Novel.

J Tatum

‘Matt 28.

and the course of mission in the apostolic and postapostolic age in J dna and H Kvalbein eds The Mission of the Early Church to Jews and Gentiles Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 127 Tbingen Mohr Siebeck 1744 (2000)
P Stuhlmacher

‘“Neither Jew nor Greek”: ethnic conflict in Graeco-Roman society’, Journal for the Study of the New Testament .

Volume 19 (1997)
C Stanley

Pyysiäinen, I. , How Religion Works: Towards a New Cognitive Science of Religion.

Boston Brill (2001)

and eds.

Faith and Rationality Reason and Belief in God Notre Dame Ind University of Notre Dame Press (1983)
A Plantinga , N Wolterstorff